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Rowan University Planning Studio 2025

Clean Air, Green Camden: An Environmental Education Project

In Spring 2025, students from Rowan University’s undergraduate and graduate Planning Studios, offered through the Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability, will focus on air quality issues and their connection to urban greening initiatives in the City of Camden, NJ. This year’s studio, in collaboration with the Rowan University Community Planning + Visualization Lab and partially sponsored by the EPA, will emphasize community education and empowerment. Through public-focused scholarship—including toolkits, case studies, blogs, and YouTube Shorts—students will translate complex environmental data into accessible and actionable information. The goal is to raise awareness about air quality challenges, highlight the benefits of urban greening, and provide Camden residents with the knowledge and resources to advocate for healthier neighborhoods.

M A J O R     O U T P U T S

C O M M U N I T Y    A C T I O N    T O O L K I T  (Grad Studio)

F I N A L     P R E S E N T A T I O N 

C A S E    S T U D Y    R E P O R T  (Undergrad Studio)

Coming soon!

O T H E R     O U T P U T S


Community Planning + Visualization Lab.gif



Faculty Advisor

Mahbubur Meenar, Ph.D.

Geography, Planning, & Sustainability

School of Earth & Environment



Alex Darling (Camden Community Partnership, CCP), Jackie Santiago-Vicente (Neighborhood Collaborative Community Gardens, NCCG), Shaneka Boucher (Social Responsibility Through Me, SRTM), Jon Compton & AJ Riggs (Center for Environmental Transformation, CFET), Crystal Wessel & Meredith Pichini (NJ Tree Foundation, NJTF), Ben Saracco (Rowan University Library), Jason Russack (LifeAire Systems)

G R A D U A T E       S T U D I O

Team Members (from left): Joe Conte, Makenzie Franco, Vignan Ganji, Hannah Genereux, Bradley Leverrett, Vin Palmieri, & Gabriel Roger

U N D E R G R A D U A T E       S T U D I O

Team Members (from left): Noah Bilgrav, Kaitlyn Bradley, Harsh Chavda, Marquis Hall, Maheen Khan, James King, Matt Mueller, Samantha Ordonez, Megan Polifrone, Jude Vernamonti | (Not pictured) Colette Gaeta, Ike Gross, Collin Petrich


Class activities, focus groups, service learning

Photos captured by Ladarion Hardison, Bradley Leverrett, and Dr. Meenar

© 2016 - 2025 Mahbubur Meenar

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