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Our broader research agenda is to explore the connection between people and their social, natural, and built environments and the influence this connection has on the planning process for developing sustainable, healthy, equitable, and just communities. Our research areas are organized into four tracks (see below). These tracks frequently overlap with one another, and many projects have conceptual connections with more than one track. There are two overarching themes that influence all these tracks: equity and justice and climate change. We use the lens of equity and justice (e.g., food equity, food justice, environmental justice, and spatial justice) to design many projects. The impact of climate change at the local level (e.g., higher precipitation rates, higher frequency and intensity of flooding), responses to local challenges (e.g., stormwater management), and understanding people’s perceptions and feelings about these challenges and potential solutions have been embedded in several projects, mostly related to tracks 2 and 3. Generally, our work across all tracks is related to one or more of the following planning sub-fields: environmental planning, food systems planning, community planning, and spatial planning.
Equity + Justice  |  Climate change  |  Environmental Health + Well-being
Planning sub-fields: environmental planning, food systems planning, community planning, and spatial planning
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List of all projects since 2016
Current Projects 


  • Unearthing the Urban Agriculture–Environment Connection: Implications for UA Planning, Practice, and Policy (2024 - 2026)

    • Sponsor - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Mahbubur Meenar (PI), Asif Ishtiaque (Co-I), Md Shahinoor Rahman (Co-I), $300,000

  • Greening Camden: Educating, Empowering, and Enriching Communities for Climate Action and Cleaner Air (2024 - 2026)

    • Sponsor - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mahbubur Meenar (PI), Elizabeth Cerceo (Co-PI), Jagadish Torlapati (Co-PI), Qian He (Co-PI), and Ben Saracco (Co-PI), $100,000

  • Local Fiscal Policy: Community Resilience and Infrastructure Adaptation Under Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazards (2025 - 2027)​

    • Sponsor - National Science Foundation (NSF), Qian He (PI), Deb Niemeier (Co-PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), $499,653​

  • Exploring Health and Social Benefits of Park Visits: The Dual Influence of Quality and Proximity (2025 - 2026)​

    • Sponsor - New Jersey Health Foundation, Mahbubur Meenar (PI), $35,000​

  • New Jersey State Plan Impact Assessment (2024 - 2025)

    • Sponsor - New Jersey Office of Planning Advocacy, Kevin Keenan (PI), John Hasse (Co-PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI)​​, Zachary Christman (Co-PI), Qian He (Co-PI), $40,000​​​

  • Evaluation Plans for Community Food Programs of Seven Agencies (2024)​

    • Sponsor - Regional Foundation, Megan Bucknum (Consultant), Mahbubur Meenar (Consultant), $22,000​

  • Machine Learning-based Predictive Analysis to Understand Public Health Risk from Heavy Metal Exposure in Camden (2024 - 2025)

    • Sponsor - South Jersey Institute for Population Health, Paromita Nath (PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), Thivanka Ariyarathna (Co-PI), Shaneka Boucher (Co-PI), and Iman Dehzangi (Co-PI), $24,988​

  • Supporting Effective, Community-Informed Food (2024 - 2025)​

    • Sponsor - South Jersey Institute for Population Health, Jeanine Cava (PI), Garrett Broad (Co-PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), and Kate Cairns (Co-PI), $24,574


Completed Projects  


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