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RESEARCH TRACK 2 — [Green + blue + grey] infrastructure
Blue Water

About this track​

This track includes three broad topics: green infrastructure (i.e., green stormwater management projects, parks, greenways, urban forests, urban food production spaces); blue infrastructure (e.g., constructed waterways, waterscapes); and grey infrastructure (e.g., “complete streets” elements such as sidewalks, bumpouts, bike lanes, abandoned railways, electric vehicle charging stations). Within this track, I am interested in a number of sub-topics, including:

  • How community capacity, resiliency, and preference are connected to the equitable spatial distribution and prioritization process of green-blue-grey infrastructure at a macro or micro scale;

  • How ecological and socioeconomic indicators can be integrated with spatial planning models and tools;

  • How people create memories and develop emotions related to green, blue, and grey features; 

  • How community inputs can be directly integrated into the green-blue-grey infrastructure planning and design process to build a sense of ownership;

  • How communities perceive triple bottom line benefits (i.e., social, environmental, and economic benefits) of green-blue-grey infrastructure; and 

  • How green infrastructure projects should be tied to placemaking concepts to offer social benefits and acceptance in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

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