PROJECT PROFILE: Greening Camden
Educating, Empowering, and Enriching Communities for Climate Action and Cleaner Air

This environmental education (EE) project addresses the intersection of climate change, air quality, and urban greening, focusing on Camden, New Jersey, an environmental justice and overburdened community. Camden faces severe air pollution issues from point and nonpoint sources, including industries, transportation centers, and highways with heavy truck traffic, exacerbated by climate change, increasing health risks for residents. This project advocates for a multifaceted solution to air pollution through urban greening initiatives (e.g., tree planting, nature-based solutions, and urban gardening), led by Rowan University in collaboration with Cooper Medical School and five community partners, empowering residents through both formal and informal education. The target audience includes 6-12th grade students and K-12 teachers from Title I school districts, college students, and community members. The significant activities (virtual or in-person) encompass all seven stages of the environmental education continuum (e.g., awareness, knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, action, and stewardship).​​
​Activity 1 includes creating 5 new learning modules for existing Rowan University undergraduate courses and an online informal education certificate program through Rowan University Libraries, incorporating 5 new and 4 existing workshops to attract students, teachers, and physicians.
Activity 2 involves collecting and analyzing micro-level air quality data through formal and informal education Camden locations, respectively.
Activity 3 comprises mapping air quality and urban greening projects, creating 1 new learning module for existing Rowan University undergraduate courses, conducting a student-driven research project, enhancing the NJ Map Camden Conservation Blueprint online educational platform, and engaging Rowan University students and Camden Title I school teachers in crowd-mapping activities.
Activity 4 encompasses conducting environmental decision-making, action, and stewardship programs, creating a community toolkit and YouTube shorts, developing a project website to store and share all outputs and resources, co-producing a book created by Title I school students, developing a community-focused curriculum on green jobs, career development, activism, and stewardship, organizing 3 special events (e.g., tree planting, community gardening, park cleanup), and writing articles on a local news portal.​
This project was awarded a $100,000 grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EE program, 2024-2026.

Seven Stages of
Environmental Education Continuum

Core Team Members
Elizabeth Cerceo, MD | Jagadish Torlapati, Ph.D. | Qian He, Ph.D. | Ben Saracco, MLS, MAIT
Project Director
Mahbubur Meenar, Ph.D.

Megan Bucknum, MUEP | Richard Federman, MS | Ted Howell, Ph.D. | John Mullen, Ph.D.​ | Ashley York, Ph.D.
Community Partners
Camden Community Partnership (CCP)
Center for Environmental Transformation (CFET)
Neighborhood Collaborative Community Gardens (NCCG)
New Jersey Tree Foundation (NJTF)
Social Responsibility Through Me (SRTM)​

Student Members
Hannah Genereux (Urban & Regional Planning) | Sean Olcese (GIS)

Formal Education
Learning Modules
​6 new learning modules for existing Rowan University undergraduate courses
Bucknum, Cerceo, Federman, Howell, Mullen, York
Air Quality Data
Engineering Clinic to employ scientific methods to collect and analyze micro-level air quality data
Applied Research
Planning Clinic research project (a paper) + Planning Studio (Community Toolkit & 10 YouTube shorts)
He, Meenar
Informal Education
Community Resources
Enhancement of NJ Map module—Camden Conservation Blueprint + Website + 10 YouTube shorts + 1 illustrated book + 4 articles or blog posts on local news portals
Hasse, Meenar, NCCG, South Jersey Climate News, Brein
Online Certificate Program
Free program "Clearing the Air," hosted by Rowan University Libraries, with 9 workshops, including 5 new modules. Recruitment of 40 participants—Camden residents, students, and stakeholders.
Coordinator: Saracco; new workshops: Bucknum, Cerceo, Federman, Howell, Mullen
Community-Engaged Learning
Collection and analysis of micro-level air quality data from 30 locations + 2 participatory mapping events + 3 community workshops + 3 community events
Torlapati, York, CCP, SRTM, CFET, NJTF, NCCG, Meenar